At Tests4Techs, LLC ("Tests4Techs" or the "Company"), we are committed to protecting your personal information. This policy ("Respondent Privacy Policy" or this "Policy") outlines Tests4Techs privacy practices with respect to the information you provide when using our products and services. This Respondent Privacy Policy applies to any information provided to orcollected by Tests4Techs in connection with our products and services as described in this Respondent Privacy Policy.

You should read this Respondent Privacy Policy to learn more about the policies and practices we have developed to safeguard your personal information, and to better understand our relationships with the third parties who may have access to this information. 

1.         Purpose and Notice

The purpose of this Policy is to provide notice to respondents as to the purposes for which Techs4Techs collects information about them. It also describes the manner in which Tests4Techs handles personal information collected in connection with the administration of Tests4Techs assessmentsas well as other products and services. In this Policy, the term "personal information" means information that identifies, or can be used to identify, an individual. This Policy provides Notice to all users and is available before personal information is obtained from them.

2.         The Information we collect

Respondents to Tests4Techs assessments are asked to provide the following information: first and last name and email address. They are also asked to provide responses to technical assessments (which consists of multiple choice responses chosen by the respondent).Respondents to the assessments in this Policy are referred to as "respondents." Clients of Tests4Techs are referred to as "customers" and authorized users at each customer company are referred to in this Policy as "users."

Tests4Techs may collect, store and use aggregated anonymous information from the administration of Tests4Techs assessments and our other products and services in order to improve its business operations and its products. This information does not identify any individual. Tests4Techs also uses log files and other generally available web tracking technologies in operating, maintaining, and improving our software platform and other websites. This information does not contain any personal information and is not linked to any personal information that Tests4Techs holds.

3.         How we use your information

Tests4Techs software provides customers with the results of the applicable Tests4Techs assessment(s), along with a series of basic reports that utilize those results. Tests4Techssoftwarecan also be used by respondents for individual certification purposes.

4.         With whom do we share your information

Tests4Techs does not sell or rent any personal information to any third party. We do not disclose any personal information to any other party except to fulfill the purposes for which the information was disclosed and as described in this Respondent Privacy Policy. To fulfill those purposes, Tests4Techs discloses personal information as follows

              To the customer and its employees who administer or order Tests4Techs assessments or other products and services. Customers for whom respondents complete assessments will be provided with all of a respondents assessments taken within the last six months, including for other Customers.

              To employees of Tests4Techs, our distributors, and their employees and subcontractors for the purposes of database management, administration, customer support, and assistance in interpreting assessment results;

              To subcontractors of Tests4Techs who develop and manage our hardware, software and communications infrastructure; and

              To third party software systems used by the customer including but not limited to Applicant Tracking Systems and other Human Resources Information Systems.

              For respondents taking the assessment for certification purposes, to third party employersand future employers at your request.

Tests4Techs maintains contracts with our customers, distributors, and subcontractors requiring them to comply with the requirements of this Policy. These third parties must provide at least the same level of privacy protection as required under applicable law.

We may need to share your information for law enforcement or other legal purposes. This type ofsharing may be necessary in connection with a lawsuit, claim or investigation, governmental inquiry, court order, enforcement of legal rights (e.g., contract terms, intellectual property rights, etc.), safety issue, or other similar legal or security matter. Sharing your information for these reasons is not a regular event, but could arise from time to time. We will strive to limit the types and amount of information we may need to share for legal purposes to that which is reasonably necessary.

We may share (or receive) information about you, including personal contact information, in the event of an acquisition, merger, sale, corporate restructuring, bankruptcy, or other similar event that involves Tests4Techs. If such an event occurs, we will take reasonable steps to require that your information be handled in accordance with this Respondent Privacy Policy.

5.         How we protect your information

Tests4Techs maintains appropriate technical and organizational security measures designed to ensure the security of personal information covered by this Policy and to protect such personal information from loss, misuse, or unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction.

Despite all of our efforts, no security safeguards or standards are guaranteed to provide 100% security.  Please protect your password information, unique Tests4Techs assessment email invitation and its contents, and use caution when logging into your account from a shared or public computer.

6.         Other important information

This section provides additional information that is important for you to know about this Respondent Privacy Policy or our practices.

Your information may be transferred outside your home country.

Because Tests4Techs is headquartered in the United States, we may have a need to transfer information from non-U.S. respondents and other users to the United States.   We may also have a need to transfer your personal information (regardless of where you live) to other countries or places in which we or our customers, distributors, or subcontractors, maintain offices or facilities.   As part of the registration process to take a Tests4Techs assessment, you are asked for your consent to this Respondent Privacy Policy and agree to allow us to transfer your information outside your home country and to process it inside the United States or elsewhere for the purposes stated in this Respondent Privacy Policy.

We do not collect information from children.

Tests4Techs assessments are not designed to be administered to anyone under the age of 18, therefore we do not solicit or collect any type of information from a person known to be under that age. 

7.         Contact Information

If you have a question, comment or complaint about this Policy or enforcement of this Policy, please address your concern to: 

Tests4Techs, LLC
619 Metairie Road
Metairie, LA 70005

ATTN: Privacy
Phone: 225.773.5278

8.  Copyright and DMCA.

If you believe content on Tests4Techs website or testing software infringes your copyright, you can reach our notification agent at Tests4Techs, LLC, 619 Metairie Road, Metairie, Louisiana7005; Phone: +1 225-773-5278;; Email: If you are in the U.S., your notice must satisfy the requirements enumerated in 17 U.S.C. 512(c)(3).

9.  Disclaimer of Liability.

Certified status is an indicator that an individual has purchased and successfully completed adesignated generator assessment by correctly answering 75.5% of the questions on theassessment. A certification is not a guarantee or assurance of the competence or ability of anyparticular individual. Further, given the rapid changes in the field, Tests4Techs cannot warrant that the examination and other certification materials will at all times reflect the most currentstate of the art.

Tests4Techs disclaims liability for any personal injury, property or other damages of any naturewhatsoever, whether special, indirect, consequential or compensatory, directly or indirectlyresulting from the certification program or the acts or omissions of any person who has beencertified by Tests4Techs.

In conducting the certification program, including issuing certifications, Tests4Techs is notundertaking to render professional or other services for or on behalf of any person or entity, noris Tests4Techs undertaking to perform any duty owed by any person or entity to someone else.Anyone using the services of a person who has been certified should rely on his or her ownindependent judgment or, as appropriate, seek the advice of a competent professional indetermining the exercise of reasonable care in any given circumstances.


For further information about information collected from visitors to our website, please see our Website Privacy Policy

Policy updated as of March 19, 2020