Hire Right, Know Your Workforce

Evaluate generator technicians with our skills-based assessments designed by industry-leading consultants

Watch Demonstration


“Tests4Techs is a revolutionary hiring tool for managers to evaluate the technical skills, knowledge, and understanding of generator technicians during the hiring and employee evaluation process.” - Kindra Davis, Electrical Engineer with over 20 years of power gen management experience.

Upon registering with Tests4Techs, you will have unlimited access to two timed online generator assessments designed and regularly updated by industry-leading experts.

The Remote Generator Assessment allows hiring managers to evaluate a generator technician’s skills remotely before committing time and resources to a phone or in-person interview.

The In-Person Generator Assessment includes a separate and more challenging set of questions for supervised testing during an in-person interview or internal evaluation.

Both Assessments cover the following core competencies:

1. Electrical (connections, wiring, and ATS);
2. Mechanical (engines, alternators, radiators, and batteries);
3. Troubleshooting (controls, system performance, and safety); and
4 General Applications (installation, codes, and sizing).

Immediately receive the results along with statistics of how the generator technician ranks against all other test-takers across the country!

Hire Right, Know Your Workforce with Tests4Techs!


Click through the below demonstration for a step-by-step guide to our easy-to-use Remote Generator Assessment and In-Person Generator Assessment.

(1 of 6)

Send candidate link to Remote Generator Assessment

(2 of 6)

Candidate registers for the Remote Generator Assessment

(3 of 6)

Candidate reviews instructions

(4 of 6)

Candidate completes Remote Generator Assessment

(5 of 6)

Immediately receive the results by email

(6 of 6)

At your option, candidate completes a separate In-Person Generator Assessment during interview

Our Team

Tests4Techs Founder and CEO, Linn Atiyeh, specializes in the recruitment, hiring, and retention of generator technicians on behalf of generator servicing companies across North America. After learning of all the time and money companies waste on bad hires/promotions, Linn built a team of industry-leading experts with over 100 years of combined field, engineering, and training experience to create these critical generator assessments.


Linn Atiyeh, MBA

Founder and CEO


Industry-Leading Consultants

Test Developers


If you are interested in registering or learning more, contact one of our consultants today at 504.982.1155 or info@tests4techs.com. Alternatively, leave your contact information below and one of our consultants will reach out to you within 1-2 business days.

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